Sunday, May 2, 2021

Lehman's farm products,home,garden,health beauty,

merchant links are commissionable AT CHECKOUT,good morning readers hope all is well with you and your families,this is just one of my affiliate links,there are many of course,because I have and want to share with my readers my interests there are many as you probably know by now as an affiliate marketer,So why Lehman's well they offer links to MOLE CHASING WINDMILL,WELL IT IS A DETERRENTS,MOST HUMANE method to rid your lawn of these critters with their tunnels,as you know they will kill young plants by nibbling on their roots and eat the gardeners best friend, the earth worm.The spinning of the MOLE CHASING WINDMILL WILL DRIVE THEM AWAY BY SENDING VIBRATIONS through the ground,moles can't stand this and soon they will leave your yard in search of a more tranquil enviornment,they're simpler,more effective and more humane than using those nasty chemicals,where you must wear gloves, you might ask yourself that is covers 20,000 square feet,that is up to 75ft in all directions-not bad is it.well I am excited about this,hate to see those ruts in my front lawn.Rust-proof,zinc,plated steel,extremely effective on soils with CLAY CONTENT(LIKE MOLES LOVE),LESS EFFECTIVE IN SANDY SOILS WHER VIBRATION DOESN'T TRAVEL AS FAR,TO USE ,MOUNT ON A 1/2 '' STEEL ROD (NOT INCLUDED) FOR BEST RESULTS,USE AN EIGHT FOOT GROUNDING ROD IF SOIL IS HARD OR ROCKY A SHORTER MAY BE USED .GROUND RODS ARE AVAILABLE AT ANY BUILDING SUPPLY OUTLET ,ELECTRICAL SUPPLY HOUSES AND MANY HARDWARE STORES,the BLADES ARE 18'' L 3 LBS. PLEASE DOES NOT WORK ON GROUND HOGS,SORRY ABOUT THAT. WOOD CUTTING HEATING,PLEASURE AND HAULING YOUR FAVORITE WOOD,chop your own wood and it will warm you twice is a maxim worth heeding,Heating your home with wood makes a lot of sense.So does cooking with wood,after all,trees are a renewable resource and burning firewood is a carbon-neutral practice since more carbon-consuming trees will be grown to replace the ones harvested for firwwood,wood also delivers uniform heat at a reasonable price plus wood fires are beautiful to look at and impact a nice fragrance to a home. BIRD FEEDERS I have 5-they offer high quality products to choose from,mason jar wild bird feeder,soda bottle bird feeder,bird feeder thermometer,mason jar wild bird waterer,lanter hummingbird jar chicken LEHMANS FOR A SIMPLER LIFE.THANKYOU Shop Lehman's Now!

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